Bruno Jacobfeuerborn
Chief Executive Officer
Bruno Jacobfeuerborn has been CEO of Deutsche Funkturm since January 2017. In addition, he is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of 1NCE, since January 2018.
As CEO he is responsible for Deutsche Funkturm's entire business, focusing on Internationalization and development of the tower business, steering internal change processes as well as corporate and market communications.
He joined what is today Deutsche Telekom in 1989. Two years later he became head of department for radio network planning in Hanover and, at the same time, regional head of T-Mobile in Leipzig. In this role, he also managed the planning and development of the mobile communications network in the German regional states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. From 1995 to 1999, he was responsible for the Technology division of the T-Mobile Northern District in Hanover and took on additional responsibility for Sales and Marketing as head of the T-Mobile Northern District in Hanover from 1999 to 2002.
From 2002 to 2007, Bruno Jacobfeuerborn was a member of the management team in his capacity as Managing Director of Technology, IT, Procurement and, until 2004, Customer Service at T-Mobile Netherlands in The Hague. At the same time, he headed the International Service Management unit at T-Mobile International. Subsequently, he was a member of the management team and Managing Director of Technology, IT and Procurement at Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa in Warsaw until June 30, 2009. Since July 1, 2009 Bruno Jacobfeuerborn has been responsible for Technology (both mobile and fixed network) in Germany and became Director of Technology at Telekom Deutschland in April 2010. In addition, Bruno Jacobfeuerborn was Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Deutsche Telekom from February 2012 until December 2017. From 2014 to 2020, he was Member of the Supervisory Board of T-Mobile US and from January 2018 until December 2022 he was CEO of Comfort Charge.